A-22, Swastik Industrial Park, Kuha, Ahmedabad - 382445

Fumes Treatment

Fumes Treatment by PCB Technologies

As we create and execute specific hardware and software components for each customer, our automation centre can satisfy any production need.

All of our systems offer integrated management of operating parameters while taking into account process and, as a result, product certification (statistical process control, certification of each production lot, etc.).

In the event of a plant breakdown, in addition to our tele-assistance service, the customer is given a practical video-guide for troubleshooting issues and resuming the process quickly. The entire loading process can be automated, including checking different lots with barcode readers, weighing different loads, using single item identification cameras, controlling a loading robot, or using automatic loading/unloading systems.

Fume Scrubber

PCB Technologies develops and manufactures capable fume scrubbers that effectively treat exhaust emissions.

Before being released into the atmosphere, extracted exhaust fumes must be cleaned, especially if they include chromic or other strong acids. The direct discharge of such pollutants into the atmosphere, without treatment, can be extremely detrimental to the environment and cause significant damage.

Scrubbers from PCB Technologies are efficient air pollution control equipment that remove acidic or alkali gases from a variety of industrial processes. These Scrubbers are simple to set up and integrate into any new or existing plant, and they require very little maintenance.

Suction Hood

Suction hoods are installed in the treatment tanks that generate vapours, safeguarding the working environment.

To ensure a constant suction rate along the slots, the hoods are constructed with varying sections. A moveable cover on the hoods allows for viewing and removal of the incrustations inside.

At PCB Technologies, We can create quality goods that meet International DVS requirements because of our highly qualified and technically competent team, state-of-the-art infrastructure, sophisticated production, and sourcing of quality raw materials. Our extensive experience allows us to design the system in the most cost-effective manner possible.

Dry Scrubber

Before releasing fumes into the atmosphere, appropriate mechanisms for fume cleansing are supplied.

Acidic fumes, such as those associated with acid rain, are generally abated using dry scrubbers. Because of its capacity to manage high temperature, extremely acidic exhaust streams, this is one of the most typical pieces of equipment found in manufacturing plants.

Aerosol from ornamental or harsh chromium lines is particularly effective in dry scrubber systems.

Vented Transporters

It is feasible to supply special “vented transporters” in the case of very aggressive fumes.

As a result, during the lifting of the components from the process tanks, the fumes are gathered by the transporter’s suction cap and piped outside through a suction bellows duct installed along the rails.

The vapours are subsequently released into the atmosphere according to the current Standard.

Exhaust Blowers

The primary purpose of a fume exhaust blower is to remove fumes and smoke produced by procedures such as electroplating, melting, baking, heating, and painting. To fulfil the needs of the rubber and automobile sectors, these systems are offered in standard and customised specifications.

PCB Technologies provides highly efficient and well-engineered systems that are both efficient and consistent with environmental regulations.

The system is designed with the area to be drained in mind, as well as the number of fumes generation points, rate of fumes generation, available space for hoods/ducting, and ID Fan placements for entire system extraction or smaller extractions via localised hoods and smaller ID Fans. The process is examined, and site visits are performed to ensure that all HSE regulations, worker issues, and recovery requirements are well understood.

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